Conditions for entry :

If you would like to participate in the Virtual Residency  just click on NEW REGISTRATION and register. Your concept and the corresponding image, video or sound files can be entered into a database.

For the portrayal of your concept, a description field will be provided.

Image files (photographs, sketches, drawings etc. as JPG or GIF, 72-dpi resolution) can be sent as attachments and can be entered into the database. (Menu item NEW REGISTRATION).

It will also be possible to insert a reference to your website or webserver and so link to video or sound files you might want to attach to your concept, thus making this material accessible to an Internet audience as well.

Any information about yourself (physical appearance, social environment, biography) is welcome !

For your concept text and your biography, please use English.
We do not expect your English to be perfect !

Please try to present your ideas with the help of images, sketches etc. as much as possible, in order to keep the amount of text fairly small. In the registration form you can also refer to websites, which contain additional information about your work. This will put your concept for the Virtual Residency  within the context of further works.

If you have already registered, just click on ‘‘Registered Participants’’ and use your user name and password to log in. You can edit or change your data, which has been submitted at any time. Click on Help for a detailed description concerning this area.

You will be notified immediately, should your concept be chosen by the project team or the European partner institutions. In order to secure a professional implementation of your concept, the organizers will be in contact with you to discuss any technical details regarding the exhibition of your work. Any necessary material as well as audio, video and computer equipment will be provided and paid for by the organizations. Since the budget for that is of course not unlimited, we are asking to be somewhat realistic with your financial planing.

All concepts which are entered into the database starting on 1 May 2006 and are not chosen for an exhibition in Germany, may still be selected for one of the follow up exhibitions !

We are looking forward to your participation!

Submission starting 1 May 2006
The first exhibition will be held at the Galeria Biala, Centrum Kultury Lublin, Poland from 6 October 2006 to 27 October 2006.

If you need any further information please contact us: