Leslie Huppert  -   huppert@virtual-residency.net
Internet Projects, Communication Sculptures and Video Installations

1990-1997 Student of Fine Art at HBK Saar (Saar Art College)
Painting under professor Bodo Baumgarten, Media Arts under professor Ulrike Rosenbach and professor Jill Scott
1994 Study year abroad at Nova Scotia College for Art and Design (NSCAD) in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Media Arts/Performance
1997 First class degree, MA
1988 Advisor for additional qualifying courses for teachers at the Institut für Bildung und Kultur (IBK) (Institute of Education and Culture), Remscheid
1999-2000 Lecturer at HBK Saar, Internet Art, Net Projects
2000 Teacher for the model project KUNST MACHT SCHULE

Prizes, Grants, Funding and Awards

Internet Art competition "Vision 2000", ZKM Karlsruhe, highly commended


“Kunststudenten stellen aus” (Art Students Exhibit), prize winner, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn
Saarland Multimedia Prize, 1st place
Stadtwerke Saarbrücken Internet Prize, 1st place

1997/98 Holder of the town of Saarbrücken’s art scholarship

Brainwash (Internet project) Comtec, CYNETart 2000 (Dresden), highly commended,
Photography Competition 2000, Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, highly commended

2002 "fremde heimat" (Unknown Homeland), dna-award, digital art competition,
DigitalART Frankfurt, 2nd place for "connect"
2003-2004 Saar-STIP Berlin scholarship from May 2003 - May 2004; granted by the Saarland’s permanent representatives to the federal government in Berlin.

One-(Wo)man Exhibitions

"The Robe" – a communication sculpture in the Johanneskirche Saarbrücken, installation & Internet
"Avatar 3, versteinert bis zu den Hüften” (Avatar 3, Petrified to the Hips), Internet project, Stadtwerke Saarbrücken Internet gallery


Kunsthaus Essen, Multimediale Portraits (Multimedia Portraits)
Städtische Galerie Neunkirchen "Moving Identity", multimedia installations

2003 "Closed Circuit" Internet and video installation, Pizzart.com, project space in Cologne, APC-Galerie
"Closed Circuit" Internet and video installation, Pizzart.com, Switzerland

1995-1997 “The Robe” – a communication sculpture (real exhibition project and Internet project)
1996-1998 "Nine lives of the cat" (Internet art projects)
1997 Macht & Mob (Power and the Mob) - an Internet project
1998-2000 Moving Identity and its 7 sub projects (Internet art and installation project)
2000 “Die Steinewerfer” (The Stoners), video art project and installation
2001 Conception and organisation of the international media art project "Gegenort - The-Virtual-Mine"; curatorial work together with Monika Bohr, Gertrud Riethmüller, Fevzi Konuk and Claudia Brieske – database-supported Internet platform and exhibition in the shaft complex Gegenort / Neunkirchen
bis 2006 "Elsewhere - Not here, not there / Anderswo - nicht hier, nicht dort" - international exhibition project in Saarbrücken and San Francisco

Exhibitions (selection)
1992 "Meduse von Eric Satie" (Eric Satie’s Meduse), stage design, costumes, and video for the Schichtwechsel theatre performance
1993 "Kunstwerkberg" (Artheap), Saarberg, main administration offices, Saarbrücken
1995 "bel étage", Wilhelm-Heinrich-Straße, Saarbrücken
1996 Vision 2000, ZKM Karlsruhe
Digitale 96, Photokina media art exhibition, Cologne, web art
"Avatar" or "Tool20b", virtual exhibition in the "Artspace" gallery, Sydney
1997 Workshop & Ausstellung Künstler suchen Workshop & exhibition "Künstler suchen neue Wege im Cyberspace" (Artists in Search of New Routes in Cyberspace) in cooperation with the Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
"Kunststudenten stellen aus" (Art Students Exhibit), Bundeskunsthalle Bonn
1998 Multimedia Transfer 98, Karlsruhe, Learntec, Exhibition
1999 European Media Art Festival, category: Web_Internet_lounge, exhibition, Osnabrück
2000 “Visionen 2000” State Art Exhibition, Martha & Helm Closed Circuit
"Klimmzug" (Pullup), in the offices of Lynx GmbH, Münster
"Stop & Go", Tufa Trier, for Tufa’s 10-year anniversary festival
2001 "Die Steinewerfer" (The Stoners), video project, video installation, Berlin, in the Grasgrün cellars
Anthology of my Internet works for the international Internet festival "File 2001" in Sao Paulo, Brazil
2001 "The Virtual Mine", at Gegenort, Neunkirchen, on the internet, www.the-virtual-mine.net
Project presentation "Gegenort - The Virtual Mine" at the Biennale for Digital Media Art, Manila, Philippines, and at the Symposium for Digital Art in Sao Paulo, Brazil
2002-2003 "Stop & Go", video installation for the project "Mein Aldi, mein Cora Delux", Saarbrücken, Metz, Luxembourg, Pirmasens, Brussels
Dna-award exhibition "fremde heimat" (Unknown Homeland) in the Dominican monastery forum
2003 Bad Emser Media Art Days, Internet lounge, Internet projects http://leslie.internett.de
Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken, Saarländischer Künstlerbund "Die Steinewerfer" (The Stoners)
2004 2004 State Art Exhibition, "Closed Circuit II", Internet art project, Saarlouis
2005 Digital Art, Frankfurt, DNA - Award Feel Safe be free, Ausstellung