For the time being, the Virtual Residency  is planed for a period of 20 months.
The project will start on 1 May 2006.
The first call for a virtual migration to the model house Europe or rather the participation in the international media art project will be announced on the website on 1 April 2006.
The database of the Virtual Residency  will remain open until August 2007.

Artists who would like to take part in the first exhibition in Poland can enter their concepts into the database until 06. 08. 2006.
The first exhibition will open at the Galeria Biala, Centrum Kultury in Lublin, Poland on 6 October 2006.
The exhibition will run from 7 October to 27 October 2006

Artists who would like to take part in the second exhibition in Germany can enter their concepts into the database until 31.01. 2007.
The second exhibition will open at the Handwerkergasse - Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte – Europäisches Zentrum für Kunst und Industriekultur, Völklingen, Germany on 25 May 2007
The exhibition will run from 26 May to 15 June 2007

All concepts which are entered into the database starting on 1 May 2006 and are not chosen for an exhibition, may still be selected for one of the follow up exhibitions!

Artists who would like to take part in the third exhibition in France, can enter their concepts into the database until 1 April 2007.
The third exhibition will open at the Galerie Faux Mouvement, Centre d’Art Contemporain in Metz, France on 20 June 2007.
The exhibition will run from 21.06. to 22.09.2007

The closing event will take place within the context of the "European capital of culture 2007“ project in the Casino Luxembourg - Forum d’art contemporain in Luxembourg, (Luxembourg).

You will get an overview of all the ‘’Model house’’ exhibitions that had been held in the partner countries. The concepts which have been realized as installations as well as all other concepts that have been entered into the database, will be shown as documentation. They will be presented and addressed as the results of the artistic research project the Virtual Residency.