1. Questions concerning the concepts which can be entered into      the database:

How exactly do the concepts have to relate to the topic of ‘’Migration’’ ?

The concepts should deal with the subject of ‘’Migration’’ only in the broadest sense. The initiators of the Virtual Residency  project have consciously left the term ‘’Migration’’ open to individual interpretation. So this will facilitate not only the inclusion of individual experiences of migration and boundary experiences in the discussion, but historical, political, cultural and social perspectives as well.
Individual or collective migration, home, abroad, the transportation of people, thoughts and information etc…
are all aspects that can be included, whether it be direct or indirect.
We welcome either new or already published concepts.


Is the participation in the Virtual Residency  project free of charge ?

Participation is of course free of charge.

How high is the budget for an installation and the realization of a concept respectively ?

Since the budget is of course not unlimited, we are asking to be somewhat realistic with your financial planing. Details concerning this matter will be discussed with you in person at anyone time..

3. Details concerning the participation in the exhibitions:

When can I call myself a participant in the Virtual Residency  project ?

You will be a ‘’virtual resident’’ and participant of the media art project respectively as soon as you have entered your concept into the database. Your concept and all of the image, video and sound files you have entered will then be accessible on the Internet platform of the Virtual Residency.

In addition, each concept will be presented at the various exhibition venues in print. Video and audio files will be presented by means of projectors and audio equipment.

Initially, you should not let your creativity be hindered by budget limitations and spacial conditions.
Only after a concept has been selected for exhibition will these details be discussed with the artist in person.
Nevertheless, it could make sense if you would integrate special ideas for the implementation of your work into your concept text.

An example: If, for example your idea is to fill a room with gold bars, it might be worth thinking about the possibility of using a large surface video projection to reach the desired effect.

At first, in order to grant yourself a maximum of artistic freedom, you should not focus too much on the real exhibitions (not all concepts which have been submitted can be considered anyway). Concentrate on the virtual presentation of your ideas and concepts on the Internet platform of the Virtual Residency.

What are the conditions at the various exhibition venues ?
What is available ?

The rooms of the various exhibition venues are equipped with electricity, Internet and partially water connection as well. Video projectors, audio equipment and computers as well as any other material that is necessary for the installation, will be provided by the project group and the organizers. Details might be requested from the project team via e-mail, and will be discussed after your concept has been selected for exhibition.

Will it be possible to send any necessary material, which can not be gotten locally by mail ?

The organizers of the Virtual Residency  project, would like all the information, image, video and audio material be sent exclusively via data stream.
Any other material that might be needed for the installation at an exhibition should be described in a way which will enable us to either obtained it or build it. Nevertheless, special material, like specific motors, sensors or the like, which is not available locally, can be sent by mail.

Does the artist, whose concept has been selected, has to set up his work personally ?

No. The initiators and their project partners will set up your work.
We, the initiators and organizers, as well as our project partners have extensive experience with the realization of complex media installations.
In addition, a competent team of technicians will support us.
The selected concepts will be realized in accordance with the descriptions from the database and in close cooperation with the respective artist. If you are interested in setting up your work, you are absolutely welcome.
Unfortunately, we are not financially able to pay for travel expenses or arrange for accommodation.

If I apply for participation in an exhibition, how detailed does the description of necessary equipment, material, and proportions etc. in my concept have to be?

The selected concepts will be realized in close cooperation between us (the initiators) and the respective artists.

You, the participating artists, will determine the context in which your concept should be realized. You will receive detailed floor plans and illustrations of the premises available from us, whereupon you should send us detailed plans of your work in return. We will then discuss with you how you want to realize your work.
There are two possibilities:
You could determine that your plans should be carried out on a one to one basis, or you could leave everything entirely up to us by entering your idea or concept as well as images, sounds, videos or poems etc. into the database without any concrete plans regarding the realization of your work. In the latter case the realization of your work will turn into a mutual experience, which of course will be conducted in close cooperation with you as well.

If your concept is chosen, you will be able to discuss all the details with us and the respective partner institution.

Naturally, the copyright of the ideas and concepts remains the property of the artist or author.

4. When may I submit my concept and when is the closing date ?

Concepts may be submitted on 1 May 2006.
The database will remain open until 15 August 2007.
1. Deadline: 06. 08. 2006

If you would like to participate in the second presentation / exhibition of the
irtual Residency
  from 25 May until 15 June 2007 in UNESCO WELTKULTURERBE (D), your concept must be received by
31 . 01. 2007


All concepts which are entered into the database starting on 1 May 2006 and are not chosen for an exhibition, may still be selected for one of the follow up exhibitions!

The Internet platform of the Virtual Residency  presents itself as a thematic network of media art and can be used as an international forum for presentation and communication. Therefore, we would appreciate it if you would use this opportunity to reach an international audience. Present it with your ideas and concepts, regardless of the real exhibitions. Just enter your data into the Internet platform.